About Me

Penthouse resident of Universe 25


14 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Have a nice day !


  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your words made me smile today.


  3. john

    Debora, have read all your blogs, as strange as that sounds. You sound like a wonderful person. Can’t really imagine the profanity coming out of your mouth, perhaps it is a part of who you are, or learned behaviors. I love the idea of star trek and the boundless qualities of space. For us there are only destinations, surrounded by the duties and limitations here on earth. For many of us, we look at space and wonder about the endless possibilities, without boundries or limitations. But you have a great way with words, describing your world. Try using your abilities to create thoughts without limitations. Instead of being a reporter, or documenting your life, create new thought with the expressed intent of creating change. Not just in your life, but other’s. Actually I wouldn’t be surprised, if you had already done this.


  4. Debora

    John — the profanity is definitely a learned behavior. I never used to use it, but by the end of my marriage I was cussing like a sailor. I’ve been working hard on quitting it, though, and I’m a lot better about it these days.

    There’s been so much change in my life this past year that I can’t even begin to imagine what the next year will bring. Can’t wait to find out though.

    Have we met?


  5. mrrbts

    Keep up the spirit. I wish you the best. Life is a learning experience that we must embrace. It’s the areas that we aren’t good at, that we have to face to make us who we need to be. You are on that road…and very intelligent!


  6. Hi Debora,

    I’m Julie, the editor of “Mamapedia Voices”, and we feature guest bloggers on Mamapedia, a site for Moms all across the country. I’ve just found your blog, and would like to invite you write a piece which could be featured on our site.

    Though Mamapedia Voices has just started out, it is already receiving a lot of attention, both on our site, on our guest bloggers’ sites, and beyond. We promote our featured guest bloggers through emails, Twitter, Facebook and more. It’s a wonderful opportunity to grow your audience!

    If you would like to participate, please take a look at Mamapedia Voices. Next, sign up here http://bit.ly/UTCGU to be on the blogger roster, and then you will be able to see the complete (and easy) instructions for submitting a piece for consideration.

    Also, because we like your blog, please download a recognition badge from us- there are many fun designs to choose from here: http://www.mamapedia.com/voices/blogger_badge

    Thank you, and I look forward to reading more of your work!

    Best wishes,
    Julie D’Agostino
    Editor, Mamapedia Voices


  7. Hi, nice to meet you !


  8. Stephen Salkovitch


    I just stumbled upon your blog while surfing the net. I just found the story of your ex(?) husband’s name so interesting, since you see my last name! I live in Toronto, and i’m the only Salkovitch in the phone book in a city of 3 million. Most of my male relatives (including brother) have changed their names. My son is hanging in there.
    I gather your husband wasn’t the nicest guy, but I can assure you the Toronto branch is OK. By the way, did he know of his Jewish background?
    Anyways, sure was interesting stumbling on your blog.

    Best Wishes,

    Steve Salkovitch
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


    • Debora

      Hi Steve — I just went back and read the post you meant, and kind of cringed at how bitter I sounded when I wrote it. That was right after the split, and I was still reeling.

      I’m not sure how much he knew about his pre-immigration ancestors, except that some of them were Nazis. It’s…an interesting family.

      Thanks for leaving a note, it’s nice to hear from the Toronto branch of the Salkovitch family! :^)


  9. greg

    wow! this started from google, looking for a way to grow watermelons in the winter,hahahaha… i’ve been reading for 2 hours, and i am very impressed not only with your outlook on life, but also your tremendous ability to put it all into words. wish i knew more people like you…heck, ANYONE like you..congrats..i see the last post was in 2010..i guess all but me have progressed to things like twitter and facebook (sigh)


    • Hi there,

      I’ve slowed down a lot in my blogging, but I still get the occasional post written. I think the most recent one was in August of 2012. Are they not showing up for you?


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  11. Thanks for sharing your feelings.

    Liked by 1 person

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