I’m Back! Sorta!

I got my first computer in 1991 or ’92, a gift from a dear friend who wanted to help me stay in touch with my old buds after I moved to The Land That Time Forgot (as another old friend likes to call Anza). The Internet wasn’t really a thing yet; we communicated through Bulletin Board Systems via 2400-baud modems. It was great.

Until this summer, I hadn’t been without a computer and global connection for more than a few days in over 18 years. Sure, there was that time in ’06 when my modem died and and it almost two weeks before I could get back online with a shiny new wireless connection, but I was heavily into PBeM gaming at the time and every unconnected day was agony, so I spent a fair amount of time at the library or on other people’s PC’s.

Computers have been a fairly significant part of my adult life, is what I’m saying.

When my hard drive crashed ten weeks ago I was surprised by my own lack of panic. Granted, it’s been an unusually busy summer for me and I wasn’t getting online as much anyway, but it was still my primary source of recreation and socialization. Or so I thought.

Apparently that’s not the case anymore.

Somewhere along the way, without me quite noticing, Luke and Elizabeth have become my primary source of recreation and socialization. This was not only revealed but also enhanced by the absence of an Internet connection. As a family we became more interactive, more creative, more conversational, more attuned to one another and to our own lives. Luke, who had never been much of a recreational reader, inhaled a huge pile of books over the past couple of months. Elizabeth took up sculpting with Model Magic and delighted herself and the rest of us with the results. We conversed and shared and laughed together more than we’d ever done before. Without the everpresent siren call of the Glowing Rectangle, life was just…nicer. I was tempted to not get my Mac fixed at all.

So why did I? Well, it turns out that life can also be freaking inconvenient without an Internet connection. I don’t have tv reception or a newspaper subscription, so my Mac handles a multitude of everyday tasks for me. I couldn’t check the weather forecast, make hotel reservations, update my Netflix queue, update my iPod, look up recipes, get driving directions, check my bank balance, check the news, find answers to the neverending stream of questions that my children ask…you get the idea. I had to actually drive 40 miles to the Temecula Library to check out actual books on subjects Luke or Elizabeth wanted to learn about, instead of just consulting the Googles in the comfort of my own home. For me, my Mac is a tool that I have become unwilling to do without.

I learned something during the past ten weeks, though. My computer adds some good important stuff to our lives, but if we’re not careful it also takes some even more important stuff away from us. I want to spend less time online and more time just being with my family. I want my kids to spend less time online and more time tapping into their own creativity. That’s a priority for me now; I plan to work toward making it happen every day.

Ironically, just when I’ve resolved to spend less time blogging and such, I have a ton of fun stuff to blog about from my time offline. The kids are back in school now though, and I’ve almost finished all my projects, so I should eventually be able to get it all posted.

I gotta admit, it’s good to be back. The Internet is a lovely place to visit…I just don’t want to live there.

Categories: books, Family, Friends, Gaming, kids, Life, Love, Role-Playing Games | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “I’m Back! Sorta!

  1. Michelle

    Hey Debra,
    I was wondering why I wasn’t reading anything from you anymore. I thought perhaps you had just taken me out of your Contacts list. I am glad to see you haven’t.
    I agree with everything you mention that becomes an inconvenience when you do
    However, I recently disconnected our DirecTV subscription. And the reason I did it is because I felt a significant lack of interaction amongst me and the children. Now we are sitting in the same room reading, doing homework and playing various games. I like this much better. I do turn to the Internet for the news, etc…just like you mentioned in your post.

    Welcome back!


  2. Good your back I am bloging myself now http://www.anzaholyman.wordpress.com


  3. Julie

    Hello !! Good to hear from you.


  4. Debora

    Michelle — I hear you, I definitely don’t miss DTV! So much stuff has gotten in the way of simple togetherness and interaction in these modern times.

    Pastor — I checked out you blog; very nice. I’ll be a regular reader there. :^)

    Julie — Hello! Thanks, it’s good to be back. I wish I had a horse trailer so we could ride together more often, I’d love to go up Cahuilla one of these days.


  5. kathy

    I wondered what happened to you! I heard from an old friend of ours…wonder if you remember her: Erin Rollins? She asked about you (and we hadn’t spoke in 25 years) and I told her you were well.

    It really sounds as if your summer was incredible – even without the Net. Like you, I think I spend more time off of it these days, but I so enjoy walking out in nature, and since I’ve lost a hundred pounds, I’m more energetic than I’ve been in a long time – and intend to make up for time lost!

    I envy the relationship you have with your children – something to be treasured.


  6. Debora

    Hey Kathy — I do remember Erin! How is she doing these days? It’s wonderful to hear that your health is so much better. I always enjoy looking at your wildlife photos.

    I feel like I was a completely different person before Luke and Elizabeth came to me. There’s no words for how tightly they’ve twined themselves into my soul. :^)


    • kathy

      I can only imagine! If it is okay, I’ll send Erin the link to your blog – she is in Japan these days! We connected perhaps…oh, a month ago? I’m not sure, but she’d know! She looked me up on facebook.

      And, as for wildlife, I’ll be out soon with my camera. I had surgery this past summer – that literally saved my life – and also to lose weight. I’ve lost a hundred pounds and am going strong! I ride daily on my bike and that is ten miles and on my exercise bike, I do another ten (unless I can’t go on my bike due to weather and then I do twenty to thirty).

      I really enjoy reading your blog – and the pics you post are amazing! You’ve got some talented children, my friend!


      • Debora

        Absolutely, send her the link, I’d love to hear from her. Japan, that’s very cool.

        Bike riding is the best, I used to do a lot of that in the old days. Sometimes I think about getting a new bike and going on rides with the kids, since Luke’s not into the horse thing.

        Thanks…I’ve come to terms with the fact that Elizabeth already has more raw artistic talent than I ever had or ever will have. She’s got a future there, if she stays with it.


  7. kathymeader

    I found you! I list your address and website! Now I can bookmark it and come back later!


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